
Welcome to Shiatsu Techniques of the Masters

We are so happy to have you along for this shiatsu experience. Each person that participates in the course helps to build an energy of exploration, learning and inspiration. This brings more chi into each of our communities and the people around us.

The original shiatsu masters focused on moving chi. Diagnosis was simple and treatment very effective. Many of their techniques and treatment strategies have been lost in today's standardized shiatsu education. This course revives the core elements of traditional shiatsu. Learning (or relearning!) the roots of this work can bring inspiration & creativity back into your practice and your life.

Shiatsu is About Moving Chi

Shiatsu is about moving chi. The ability to perceive and balance chi is the key to creating positive and reliable results. This central element is sometimes lost in the midst of extensive accredited training programs. Practitioners may know many techniques and concepts, yet aren't able to generate chi flow within treatments. They may grow frustrated and bored with the application of complex diagnosis and rigid protocols. They struggle to give strong, effective sessions that build a thriving practice.

Although modern meridian treatment is of course very valuable, it is best combined with a strong foundation of more simple, whole body chi techniques. The practitioner can then evaluate chi, balance chi, and create deep change during a treatment. Exploring the original spirit of shiatsu allows practitioners (and non-professionals) to tap into the energetic roots of shiatsu for their clients and themselves.

How to Use the Course

Shiatsu Techniques of the Masters is equivalent to a three day live course. The class videos & written materials will be available for a long time, so there is no rush to move through them! Some people enroll in our video classes with the plan to go through it very slowly, or use it at a later date. Others binge watch the whole course right away. One of the benefits of taking a class online is that you go through it the way that works for you.

Often participants in our online classes have reported that they sometimes watch a video with a spouse or other family member, and then practice it on each other. What a bonus that you can share a shiatsu class right in your own home! Traditional shiatsu was originally used in this way - in the home, for family health. It was not always a 'profession' that one trained for years to do. It was a part of everyday life so that regular people could feel better.

People of all ages naturally want to share shiatsu after watching it....

The course videos are great to watch to learn a new concept or technique, and check in again whenever you need a refresher. We have all had the experience of coming home from a great class all pumped up to use new techniques that we learned, only to realize when we try that we can't actually do them because there were simply too many things to grasp at once to learn them fully with one demonstration.

New Videos Every Week

The course will be delivered to participants over the course of 5 weeks. Every week a new section of techniques will be delivered to your inbox for you to enjoy. This is a great way to learn and practice the material without getting overwhelmed. If you really want everything all at once, just send us an email and we can have it to you soon.

It has been a long journey on our part to create this online video classroom. We wish you a valuable and fulfilling experience with the materials and hope you get as much out of them as we did making them!

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