Article/Audio: Course Introduction

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Welcome to the online video course 'Light Body Activation I: Proprioceptive Exercise & the Bioplasmic Body.' It's a pleasure to have you here, contributing your presence to this project. We wish you a joyful, fulfilling experience with your own developing light body!

Proprioceptive Exercise & the Bioplasmic Body

In this course you will learn a unique form of meditative activity called proprioceptive exercise. This involves specific types of movement and focus that stimulate your proprioceptive system, which is part of your nervous system that monitors alignment. Proprioception connects awareness to the self-aligning, corrective intelligence that resides within your body. In fact, ‘proprio ceptive’ actually means 'true perception.' By following the information you are able to access with proprioceptive awareness, an improvised self-corrective positioning takes place. This leads to a sequence of movement, breathing and energetic changes that balance, relax and strengthen the body/mind.

Practiced over time, proprioceptive exercise leads to improved posture, body flexibility, relaxed breathing, and ease of movement. Emotionally, it helps prevent and resolve stress syndromes while empowering healthier, more functional choices.

These exercises are not what you might think of as typical workout exercises, although they do develop strength, flexibility and vitality. They are are keys that open vibrational doorways, allowing you to enter different dimensions of experience in a grounded and safe way. You will notice sensations that formerly did not register consciously. Your perception will shift to a cellular or microcosmic dimension where space and time have very different qualities.

This process opens the door to connect to the space around the physical body, the bioplasmic body. This functions as a semi-permeable, selective membrane. You will explore some of the characteristics of this developing part of yourself and interface directly with its different layers.

For Bodywork Practitioners

Proprioceptive exercise is valuable for any bodywork practitioner, as it heightens sensitivity of the body and energy system. It is a regular part of shiatsu/shin tai bodywork classes for two main reasons:

  1. To release restrictions and promote alignment for your personal health: Practiced over time, proprioceptive exercise leads to improved posture, body flexibility, relaxed breathing, and ease of movement. Emotionally, it helps prevent and resolve stress syndromes while empowering healthier, more functional choices. Conditioned belief systems release, allowing alignment with your true/soul nature and an expansion of consciousness. A healthier, clearer you is not only enjoyable, it brings with it the benefits of enhanced relationships, business skills and prosperity.
  2. To be able to perceive subtle energies while treating so that you can accurately evaluate the flow of life force in both the physical and vibrational bodies: Diagnosis and treatment become much more clear and effective as your perception expands into varied dimensions of activity. You can access accurate information about the priority of treatment and gain a greater capacity of how to optimally utilize pressure, stretching, positioning and duration while applying techniques.

Practitioners are encouraged to use this work often for themselves and their practice, as well as teach their regular clients some of the proprioceptive work in order to have them participate more actively in their treatment process. As practitioner and receiver become more skilled in activating proprioception, doorways open to deeper possibilities for transformative experiences during and after treatment.

Your Entry to the Light Body Activation Process

The skills gained in this class are an excellent entry to the light body activation process. They will bring you into direct connection with the basic components of your energy system and initiate a reliable interface between the mind directives and energy flow. The paradox of this process is that the more patiently you proceed, the faster your system will develop.

Keep in mind: This course is a foundation that builds a bridge to expanding dimensions of awareness. In order to be able to integrate new layers of consciousness into your present life, it's important not to skip or rush phases of development. Go through the lectures and journeys in sequence and take your time with each one. This way the gains become anchored in the structure of your functioning reality, and contribute to your physical, emotional and mental health.

Your Body is Evolving

Human evolution hasn't stopped. We're going through a process of development that's affecting every aspect of our lives. And it's occurring at a level of our physiology that most of us don't notice or might not even believe is present: our developing light body.

The light body is an expanding energy matrix that exists within and beyond the space of the physical form. It is has particular functions and components, just like the circulatory system or the digestive system. And right now it's maturing at an exponential rate in many people. If you're interested enough to be reading this, you're probably one of them.

The evolving light body has a powerful impact on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experience, whether or not we are aware of it. In fact, many physical and mental health challenges that we experience are exacerbated or even caused by unbalanced energy surging through this immature system. The good news is that we can learn to regulate this part of ourselves with just a little bit of practice. This opens up a whole new dimension of experience in daily life.

Activating Your Light Body

Remember when you first learned to read? Or ride a bike? Or drive a car? Do you remember the exhilaration of suddenly being able to journey into new worlds, the freedom of exploration and expansion? Connecting to the power of the light body is like that. In this course, you'll learn unique, simple skills that can be used immediately to begin to recognize and adjust this part of your physiology. You will pick up the keys, put them in the ignition and practice piloting the amazing, evolving vehicle that is your light body.

Light body activation can provide energy and information to support you in your daily life. If you are in pain or anxious, in conflict with someone, or don’t know which direction to take next, a little light body work can immediately shift things for the better.

Identifying the light body as an evolving part of the human physiology is a quantum step in understanding. And detailing specific, replicable and safe processes to connect to and operate it is a key to vibrant living on this plane. In this course we not only explore the light body intellectually, we practice biomechanical procedures so that you can feel and adjust your own system. You learn how to directly interface with this part of your growing self.

Learning to sensitize and regulate the light body is vital to maintaining balance and strength in daily life, and is one of the most effective ways to generate personal and planetary health. The skills presented in this course are yours for life, tools to assist you in journeying into new dimensions of possibility that can have a positive impact on yourself, your family and our greater earth community.

The Background Story

The light body activation material has been developed by Saul Goodman throughout the last 35 years. It provides tools for people to sensitize, expand and regulate the developing light body in order to enhance the quality of their life experience. The processes detail safe, replicable mechanisms that expand frequency and perception. This opens the door to work consciously with vibrational components of ourselves.

Saul Goodman is the founder and former director of the International School of Shiatsu and Shin Tai International. He has taught his unique modality of healing bodywork and light body activation throughout the U.S. and Europe for almost 40 years and is the author of The Book of Shiatsu, Shiatsu Shin Tai and Light Body Activation. The facilitator of this course is Lynn Goodman. She has practiced and taught shiatsu shin tai and light body activation along with Saul for over 20 years as well as creating the online learning materials.

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