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Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments
Welcome & Introduction
Helpful Principles
How to Practice
Introductory Lecture (8:38)
Preparation: Perception & Proprioceptive Exercise
Cultivating Sensitivity: a discussion about proprioceptive exercise (13:08)
Proprioceptive Exercise Journey (18:21)
The Inner Guidance System - a brief post-journey discussion (2:13)
The Thoracic Vertebrae
Introduction to Technique (2:22)
Evaluating the Thoracic (& Lumbar) Vertebrae (6:55)
The Lambdoid Suture (7:59)
Preparing the Body: don't skip this! (19:47)
Treatment of Thoracic Vertebrae (20:57)
The Lumbar Vertebrae
The Sagittal Suture (2:05)
Treating the Lumbar Vertebrae (15:14)
The Cervical Vertebrae
The Squamosal Suture (3:12)
Evaluating the Cervical Vertebrae (13:58)
Treating the Cervical Vertebrae (4:57)
The Sacroiliac Region
The Occipitalmastoid Suture (2:10)
Treatment of Sacroiliac Region (9:17)
Moving Forward with this Work + Livestream Q & A
Preparation, proprioception, healing, scoliosis.... a Discussion (7:00)
Using These Adjustments in Your Practice
Suggestions for Going Deeper
Livestream Q & A Session from November 11, 2023 (62:05)
Contraindications & Wrap-up (0:52)
The Lambdoid Suture
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